Ressources for Equal Opportunity Measures
Within the framework of the Research Training Group, equal opportunities are considered and promoted as an essential prerequisite for academic performance and innovation. Particular attention is paid to sustainably increasing the number of female scientists, to reconciling science and family, and to minimizing unconscious biases that influence almost every decision-making process. The DFG provides funding to implement these goals.
In order to coordinate and monitor the successful implementation of the aforementioned goals, a Gender and Diversity Board has been implemented, which is headed by Prof. Dr.Ing. Cristina Tarín (Equal Opportunity Officer of Faculty 7 at the University of Stuttgart) and PD Dr. med. Bastian Amend.
Contact Persons

Cristina Tarín Sauer
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Principle Investigator of Subproject B3, Equal Opportunities Officer

Bastian Amend
Prof. Dr. med.Deputy Manager of Project C1
[Image: Klinik für Urologie, Bastian Amend]
Marion Fleischer
Coordination Stuttgart, Biological-technical assistant