C – Surgery & Pathology

Research Area C

The C-subprojects deal with the basics regarding the validation of the sensors developed in research area A. Along with this, ex-vivo tissues from oncological surgeries, as well as cell cultures in 2D and 3D, are obtained and analyzed. Furthermore, the pathological investigation of the tissue that is considered as the gold standard in securing malignancy is used to validate the sensors.

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Research Idea

The identification and differentiation of tissues forms the basis of surgical therapy. Intraoperative tissue differentiation, together with imaging procedures and histopathological and laboratory chemical diagnostics, is one of the various scenarios that influence the decision on therapy. In addition to improved diagnostics, the minimization of surgical trauma during complete tumor removal (R0 resection) remains an essential goal of the further development of surgical  methods. Especially in oncology when performing complete tumor resection, new medical technologies enable the clear identification of tumor tissue and its specific differentiation from surrounding healthy tissue in all dimensions allowing for a minimization of damage to the surrounding tissue while preserving functional tissue structures. A reliable differentiation between healthy and malignant tissue is provided by the histopathological examination of the resected tissue, which also guides the intraoperative decision making process when using frozen section diagnostics and represents the gold standard of today. Simultaneously, there is potential to reduce the time and tissue damage.

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